Day 14 - Skipping - Longest Day

Events Calendar

Our calendar has everything you need to start a Longest Day 80 challenge, even if you're unsure what to do. For challenge inspiration, check back daily for new events throughout the month of June.

Day 14 - Skipping

By WWTW Fundraising on

Well done making it this far in our Longest Day 80 calendar, you're fast approaching the halfway point of the month.

Keep pushing and take a moment to update your social networks on your challenge so far and shout out about your fundraising page. Let everyone know what you're doing and keep the momentum going. You've got this!

Today's fitness challenge is skipping!

Why skipping?

Skipping is an excellent exercise that boosts your heart health, improves coordination, and strengthens your legs. It’s a full-body workout that can be done almost anywhere.

The challenge

Can you do eighty consecutive skips without stopping? Skipping is harder than it sounds but fantastic for cardiovascular health and coordination. Try the following:

  • Eighty Consecutive Skips: Aim to complete eighty skips in a row without stopping.
  • Add Techniques: Can you go one step further and incorporate techniques such as double-unders (the rope passes under your feet twice with each jump) and cross-overs (crossing your arms in front of you while skipping)?

If you cannot do this challenge consecutively, break it into manageable chunks. Remember, you can always adapt our fitness challenge to suit your requirements.

Find a rhythm that feels comfortable for you. The goal is to see how many you can do, and if you’re feeling up for it, push yourself to go that extra mile.

Tips for success

  • Warm Up: Start with a light warm-up to prepare your muscles and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Good Form: Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm and good form. Keep your elbows close to your body and use your wrists to turn the rope.
  • Practice: If you’re new to skipping or advanced techniques, start slow and gradually build up your skill level.

Make it fun

  • Challenge Friends: Invite friends or family to join you in the skipping challenge. It’s more fun and motivating with others.
  • Mix It Up: Try different skipping styles and techniques to keep it interesting and challenging.

Watch the video below where Dave demonstrates the proper technique:

Did you miss yesterday? Go back to Day 13 and catch up.

Share your progress

Tag us in your updates using our social channels: Facebook, Instagram, and X. You can also use our campaign hashtags #WWTWLD80 and #LongestDay80.

We also have some fundraising tips and don't forget to share your leaderboard progress by keeping track of your position.

Day 30 - Wrap Up

By WWTW Fundraising on

And that's a wrap

Congratulations! You’ve done it! You should feel an enormous sense of achievement, having shown incredible strength and determination by pushing your boundaries and limits.

Throughout this month, you’ve shown up, engaged, and created a positive impact. Together, we’ve continued the legacy of those we honour.

Spread the Word

Now is the perfect time to share your journey. Whether you completed this calendar or tackled a personalised challenge, it’s time to talk about it! Use social media and other platforms to give one last, final push to your fundraising pages. Share your story, inspire others, and celebrate your success.

Feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. Your efforts have not only made a difference in your life but...

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Day 28 - Create a Mini Circuit

By WWTW Fundraising on

Today we are moving onto Day 28 of our calendar and our final day within the fitness series.

You’ve come so far, and your dedication is inspiring. Let’s finish this journey strong and celebrate the progress you’ve made. Let’s embrace today’s challenge and feel the burn, making it a powerful conclusion to our Longest Day 80 fitness series!

Today we are bringing all our fitness challenges together and encouraging you to create a mini circuit.

The challenge

To celebrate your journey, we want you to pick out eight of your favourite exercises we’ve covered throughout June and create your fitness circuit. This is your chance to tailor a workout that suits your ability and strength.

Here’s a sample circuit to get you started:

  • Squats: 4 x 20...
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Day 26 - Tricep Dips

By WWTW Fundraising on

We’re so close to the end of our June calendar, and we wanted to thank you for sticking with us! We're moving onto Day 26 and back into our fitness series with tricep dips.

Tricep dips benefits

Tricep dips primarily target the triceps, the muscles at the back of your upper arms. They also engage other upper body muscles, including the shoulders, chest, and upper back, providing a well-rounded upper body workout.

The challenge

Today’s challenge is to complete 80 tricep dips throughout the day..

You don’t have to do all 80 tricep dips at once. Break it into manageable intervals that suit your fitness level. For example:

  • 4 sets of 20
  • 2 sets of 40

Adapt to whatever feels comfortable for you and, if you can, try extending beyond 80 tricep dips....

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