Events Calendar - Longest Day

Events Calendar

Our calendar has everything you need to start a Longest Day 80 challenge, even if you're unsure what to do. For challenge inspiration, check back daily for new events throughout the month of June.

Day 30 - Wrap Up

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And that's a wrap

Congratulations! You’ve done it! You should feel an enormous sense of achievement, having shown incredible strength and determination by pushing your boundaries and limits.

Throughout this month, you’ve shown up, engaged, and created a positive impact. Together, we’ve continued the legacy of those we honour.

Spread the Word

Now is the perfect time to share your journey. Whether you completed this calendar or tackled a personalised challenge, it’s time to talk about it! Use social media and other platforms to give one last, final push to your fundraising pages. Share your story, inspire others, and celebrate your success.

Feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. Your efforts have not only made a difference in your life but...

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Day 29 - Reach Out

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Welcome back! If you’ve followed us throughout June, we want to thank you for your dedication, participation, and positive impact. Together, we honour their legacy.

Today marks our last challenge and we are bringing everything full circle by asking you to reach out to a friend - old or new - once again.

Why this matters

We’ve included this challenge twice to emphasise the importance of connection and remembrance. Taking the time to reconnect with others strengthens bonds and keeps the memory and legacy of those we honour alive.

The challenge

Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken with recently. Whether through a text, a call, or arranging a meet-up, take the opportunity to reconnect.

If you need a conversation starter, why...

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Day 25 - Make Someone Laugh

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Welcome back to Day 25 of our calendar and today we are asking you to make someone laugh within our connection series.

Why laughter?

Laughter is often considered a natural medicine. It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and fosters stronger connections between people. Making someone laugh is not only good for them but also beneficial for you. It brings mutual joy, strengthens relationships, and enhances overall well-being.

Here are some simple ways to bring a smile to someone’s face today:

  • Share a Joke: Do you have a favourite joke that always gets a laugh? Share it with someone who needs a smile.
  • Tell a Funny Story: Think of a humorous anecdote from your life and share it with a friend, family member, or colleague.
  • Send a...
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Day 21 - Recommend Something New

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Welcome back to Day 21, you're almost on the home stretch of our calendar. Every day matters and your participation makes a difference. Keep on going!

The challenge

Today's activity is part of our connection series. Your challenge today is to recommend something new to a family member, friend, or work colleague.

Ideas for recommendations

Think about what the person in mind likes and may benefit from. Here are some ideas:

  • Book: Share a book you recently enjoyed or found inspiring
  • Podcast: Recommend a podcast that offers interesting insights or entertainment
  • Music: Create a shared playlist in your chosen music streaming service and each contribute your favourite songs
  • Activity: Suggest a new hobby or activity they might enjoy, such as a local...
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Day 17 - Gratitude

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Welcome back to Day 17. Today, we are going to explore the powerful notion of gratitude.

The challenge

Gratitude requires practice, and there's no better time to start than now. Today, we challenge you to write down six things for which you are grateful.

These could include:

  • Family
  • Friendships
  • Safety
  • Home

Take a moment of reflection to think about the sacrifices made by those before us. Consider how their sacrifices contribute to the things we are grateful for today. This deeper reflection can enhance your sense of gratitude and appreciation.

Tips for success

  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet spot where you can reflect without interruptions.
  • Be Specific: Think about specific people, experiences, or things that make your life better.
  • Reflect...
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Day 13 - Random Acts of Kindness

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Welcome back to Day 13. You're almost halfway through the month, you've got this! Today's task from our connection series is all about spreading kindness through random acts.

The challenge

Your challenge today is to spread kindness. From small gestures to grand deeds, let's create ripples of goodwill.

The beauty of kindness

The beauty of this challenge is its flexibility. Your act of kindness can be anything that brings joy to someone else. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Inspired: Maybe you’ve seen a heartwarming story on the news or social media that inspires you to do something similar. Give it a try!
  • Simplicity: Sometimes, the simplest acts can have the biggest impact. Smile at a stranger, say hello, or ask someone about their...
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Day 09 - Small Gestures

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Welcome back! Today, we have another meaningful activity from our connection series.

The power of small gestures

Often, we get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to think about how we can help others. However, a small gesture can go a long way in brightening someone's day.

The challenge

What small gesture can you do today to make someone’s day a little better? Here are a few ideas to inspire you:

  • Help with Shopping: Assist a neighbour, family member, or friend with their grocery shopping
  • Donate: Contribute clothes or food to a charity that supports those in need
  • Offer Your Seat: Give up your seat on public transport to someone who might need it more
  • Pick Up Litter: Spend 10 minutes picking up litter in your local area to help keep the...
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Day 05 - Connect & Reconnect

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Welcome to Day Five of our Longest Day 80 calendar! Today marks the beginning of our connection series, where we focus on fostering meaningful relationships and uniting in remembrance.

The Challenge

Today’s activity is all about reaching out to a friend—whether they’re old or new. In our busy lives, it's easy to lose touch with the people who matter to us. Let’s take a moment to change that.

Reconnect and Unite

Think of a friend or family member you've been meaning to contact. Now is the perfect time to reconnect. Here are some simple ways to reach out:

  • Send a Text: A quick message can brighten someone’s day
  • Make a Call: Hearing a familiar voice can be incredibly uplifting
  • Arrange a Meet-Up: Plan to meet for coffee, lunch, or even a gym session...
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Day 01 - Introduction

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Welcome to the Walking With The Wounded Longest Day 80 activity calendar.

We are thrilled to have Dave "Monkey" Moncrieff, an RAF veteran and Invictus Games UK athlete, as our campaign ambassador. Dave will guide you through the daily activities we’ve curated for you.

Even if you already have a personal challenge in mind, use this calendar as a motivational tool to stay focused throughout June.

Our first fitness challenge kicks off on 02 June. Use today to prepare: outline your goals for June and think about how you’ll stay motivated. Take this opportunity to do some upper, mid, and lower body stretches. Stretching is essential as it prepares your muscles, tendons, and joints for physical activity, reducing the risk of injuries like...

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