Day 27 - Mindful Walk - Longest Day

Events Calendar

Our calendar has everything you need to start a Longest Day 80 challenge, even if you're unsure what to do. For challenge inspiration, check back daily for new events throughout the month of June.

Day 27 - Mindful Walk

By WWTW Fundraising on

Welcome to our Longest Day 80 calendar! As we near the end of our Longest Day 80 journey, remember that each step you take is part of a larger goal. Your commitment and participation are making a difference. Today we'd like you to venture outdoors and take a mindful walk.

What is a mindful walk?

Mindful walking can enhance awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. It’s a great way to connect with your surroundings and take a break from the usual hustle and bustle.

The challenge

Instead of listening to music or a podcast, we want you to incorporate mindfulness techniques from earlier in the month.

Grounding Yourself

While on your walk, find a bench to sit on. Place your feet squarely on the ground, an even distance apart. Take a moment to feel their weight and consider their position on the floor. How do they rest evenly on the ground? Do they feel heavy or light to you?

Focus on Your Surroundings

During your walk, build in three moments where you consciously focus on your surroundings. Be as descriptive as possible with each sense:

  • Sight: What can you see? Notice the colors, shapes, and movements around you.
  • Sound: What can you hear? Tune into the different sounds, from the rustling leaves to distant chatter.
  • Smell: What can you smell? Take note of any fragrances or scents in the air.
  • Taste: What can you taste? Even if you’re not eating, notice any lingering tastes in your mouth.
  • Touch: What can you touch? Feel the textures around you, whether it’s the bark of a tree, the fabric of your clothes, or the bench you’re sitting on.

Did you miss yesterday? Go back to Day 26 and catch up.

Share your progress

Tag us in your updates using our social channels: Facebook, Instagram, and X. You can also use our campaign hashtags #WWTWLD80 and #LongestDay80.

We also have some fundraising tips and don't forget to share your leaderboard progress by keeping track of your position.

Day 30 - Wrap Up

By WWTW Fundraising on

And that's a wrap

Congratulations! You’ve done it! You should feel an enormous sense of achievement, having shown incredible strength and determination by pushing your boundaries and limits.

Throughout this month, you’ve shown up, engaged, and created a positive impact. Together, we’ve continued the legacy of those we honour.

Spread the Word

Now is the perfect time to share your journey. Whether you completed this calendar or tackled a personalised challenge, it’s time to talk about it! Use social media and other platforms to give one last, final push to your fundraising pages. Share your story, inspire others, and celebrate your success.

Feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. Your efforts have not only made a difference in your life but...

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Day 23 - Mindfulness

By WWTW Fundraising on

Today is Day 23 of our calendar and today we are exploring mindfulness.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is all about being aware of what's happening in the present moment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

Many resources are available online, including podcasts, YouTube videos, and books. Take a minute to explore these resources if you have time. However, if you’re new to mindfulness, here are three simple introductory techniques you can try today:

Breathing Exercises

Focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body.

Take gentle, deep breaths, paying attention to the sensations of each inhale...

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Day 19 - Cook a Healthy Meal

By WWTW Fundraising on

Today is Day 19 of our calendar and today's challenge will see you being creative in the kitchen and whipping up something delicious!

The challenge

Today's challenge is to cook a healthy meal.

What is your favourite dish? Can you adapt it to make a healthier version? Consider using fresh ingredients, reducing unhealthy fats, or incorporating more vegetables. A few small changes can make a big difference.

Alternatively, why not try a completely new dish that is both nutritious and well-balanced? Explore new recipes that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and lean proteins.

Tips for healthy cooking

  • Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats can make your meals healthier and more flavourful.
  • Balance Your Plate: Aim for a...
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